We are growing Musquee De Provence, Rouge Vif d'Etampes and Chinese Miniature Pumpkins (all from Seed Savers Exchange - Check Wheatsville for seeds) for our first try at a pumpkin patch. Don't forget to research different varieties if you plan to cook or bake with the pumpkins as some are not suitable for baking. Planting Instructions: We made 12" diameter mounds/hills around the seeds (with high quality organic compost) and spaced them 6" apart. Put about 6-8 seeds in each hill and thin to 3-4 plants once they've sprouted. Don't forget to give them extra water in the beginning and especially in the hot Texas summer sun. Don't be afraid to just allow the largest pumpkins to grow if you have limited space - even one pumpkin per plant is just fine for a small pumpkin patch.
Chinese Miniature Pumpkins and most small gourds can also be grown on an arch or trellis (similar to our cucumbers) which would make for some great fall decor in the backyard. Or, just for fun, grow some dinosaur gourds or giant pumpkins and impress the neighbors.
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