This is a recipe that was created based on what we had in the fridge this weekend, so feel free to use your imagination (and your fridge as your guide) when preparing this salad. I based it on the recipe I remember making last year around this time on Farmhouse Delivery's website (which is a great option as well).
Chopped Cabbage Salad with Tangerines and Thai Basil
handful of Thai basil, flowers included (our garden)
1 cup almonds, toasted and chopped (we love the sprouted almonds in the bulk section at Wheatsville, pricey, but SO delicious)
1 small head of cabbage, sliced thinly (Johnson's Backyard Garden at Austin Farmers' Market on Wednesdays and Saturdays or through CSA membership)
1 cup of roasted or grilled chicken, shredded or cubed (Dewberry Farms, available at Wheatsville)
olive oil (Texas Olive Ranch available at Austin Farmers' Market on Saturdays)
salt & pepper
1. In a small bowl or mason jar, mix a ratio of 1:3 olive oil and vinegar, then add the juice of 1 tangerine, salt and pepper. Whisk (or shake the mason jar) until emulsified. Set aside.
2. Combine all of the remaining ingredients and toss.
3. Add dressing and top with a few Thai basil leaves and flowers. *Pepper sauce is also great with this salad if you prefer to give it a kick.
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